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'The Errors Tour 2024,' The Rise of Mis/Disinformation and its Impact on the US Election

From fraudulent political smear campaigns to ‘sensational’ news headlines, election-year misinformation is nothing new. However this election year, owing to increasingly sophisticated and unregulated technology – from deepfakes to AI – and an ever-expanding number of platforms to propagate misinformation, the risk of a misinformed public is greater than ever.

Nardello & Co. convened a panel of international experts to discuss the likely effects of misinformation on the upcoming US election. Citing lessons from around the globe, we examined how clients might navigate the threats posed by technological advancements in communication.

Managing Director Joseph Pochron of Nardello & Co. moderated the talk. The panel – Cyber Correspondent Joe Tidy of the BBC; CEO Ellen McCarthy, founder of the Trust in Media Cooperative; Managing Director Alan Kennedy of Nardello & Co. – provided their expert perspectives on: 

1. The impact on political campaigns of deepfakes and AI-generated misinformation 

2. Media coverage and freedom of speech implications of deepfakes and misinformation 

3. The effects of deepfakes on the reputations of companies and individuals